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Your Partnership Matters

Support from their community is vital for men and women with unplanned pregnancies. Our desire is to see them connect with a church family that can walk with them long-term. Here are some ways you can partner with us to bridge the gap.

Give Financially


Financial support allows us to reach men and women who are searching for help by offering life-affirming care.

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Shop Our Amazon Material Items Wish List​


Help us provide material assistance to clients receiving ongoing support and stabilization from our team. Items needed for operations are also included.

Baby Shower Gifts

Provide a Meal for a Community Group Meeting


Provide dinner for the moms and dads who attend our group classes.

Support group

Offer Services & Resources


Make the services of your business available for our clients: car maintenance, childcare, employment, rental housing, tutoring, etc.

Mechanic Handing Keys

Partner in Prayer


Receive special updates from our team by text and/or email and commit to praying over those we serve.

Let's Connect!

Want more information about providing meals for Community Groups, making your external resources available, or connecting with us in another way? Complete the form below and we'll be in touch soon!

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